Tag Archives: to

What do you do to..?


What are you doing to be your own advocate?  This is a very human question that I think transcends who we are, where we’re going, or where we want to end up.  Defining all of that is as well necessary, and will come in time, but you have to be your own advocate, your own loud-speaker.  To get what is desired out of this life, each of us has to let it be known to whomever, that we are in charge of our lives.  We do not want someone else telling us how we have to do things, and thus need to take it upon ourselves to know what we are doing better than the “professionals” do. We need to be the change we wish to see.  To become the living personification of everything that we respect and admire in others. And, it is in that (the perpetual learning, cramming, and conditioning) which lies the secret to true empowerment!